The Union League of Philadelphia Real Estate Club holds January 2024 luncheon
The Union League of Philadelphia Real Estate Club’s networking luncheon, the first of the year 2024, took place on Wednesday, January 10. The luncheon featured presentations by Mark Cartella, Paul Hornung and Nate Sunderhaus. They spoke about their projects, challenges and rewards that come with them. This was followed by a Q&A. The Union League Real Estate Club (ULRE) is an affinity club of the Union League of Philadelphia. They provide opportunities for its members and guests to hear from the community’s leading experts with speaker luncheons held at the Union League.
- Speakers Mark Cartella, Nate Sunderhaus (left), Paul Horning (center) and Moderator, Connor Cunningham (right), gathered for a photo with ULRE Chair, Stephanie Turzanski, and board members Drew Whipple, Jamie Weiner and Julia Brines at the conclusion of the event

2. Julia Brines chatted with Kristie Bergey and Cyde Arzano
3. Art Momkian, Tina DeVito, Connor Cunningham and Bill Lloyd

4. Teresa Matozza and Nectu Gupta

5. Laurie Murphy and Michelle Samet

6. Andrew Corrigan and Momin Sheikh

7. Marie Collins and Olufenke O’Leary

8. Theresa Hrivnak, Kate Christy, Katie Lynch and Dana Duffield
9. Peter D’Amico, Jesse LaGrossa, John Guerrieri and John Sciotta

10. Bryan Morrison, Elizabeth Tyndall and Josh Levin
11. Caroline Dentino, Ryan Barbecane, Brian Courtney and Ed Kelly

12. Marc Franzoni and Craig Karasin

13. Sherry McCarthy, Kevin Dunn and Jessica Robb
14. Vince Peruto, Mary Victoria Anna Montanari, Christian Dyer and Petra Konugres

15. Drew Whipple and Nicole Heffernan

16. Edward Turzanski and Matt Swaback

17 Jesse LaGrossa, Carol Horne Penn, Julia Brines and John Guerrieri

18. Mark Cartella, Nate Sunderhaus, Paul Horning and Connor Cunningham

19. Cindy Wollman, Sue Haindl and Amala Briggs