Devon Horse Show & Country Fair holds annual Boxholder Party
The Devon Horse Show & Country Fair held their annual Boxholder Party on Friday, May 10th at The Devon Club, thanking boxholders for their continued support and to celebrate the 128th anniversary of the Show. The event was sponsored by Meridian Bank. Wayne W. Grafton, CEO and Chairman of The Devon Horse Show & Country Fair, welcomed the more than 100 events attendees and shared remarks about all that is new for this year’s 12-day show starting Wednesday, May 22 through Sunday, June 2.
The Devon Horse Show and Country Fair is the oldest and largest outdoor multi-breed horse show in North America. The 2024 show includes an additional day along with almost $1 million in prize money and another $1 million during the last year for ground improvements to best accommodate its equestrians and loyal spectators. Remaining true to its legacy, The Devon Horse Show and Country Fair raises money for their beneficiary, The Bryn Mawr Hospital.

1.. Wayne Grafton chatted with Chris McDermott, Gail Winter, Lisa Borek and Paul Kingston who represented Meridian Bank

2. Harriette Overend chatted with Joe Hudak and Lauren Steinbeck

3. Lisa and Jeff Estabrook, Kathy Schwartz and Nancy Wolf attended the Boxholders Party

4. Lance and Vicki McCue supported the event

5. Nancy Rainer Wallace and Jim Wallace shared a moment with Cynthia and Steve Sansone

6. Don and Judy Rosato chatted with Wayne Grafton

7 . Harriette Overend and Lauren Steinbeck paused for a photo with Joseph Scott McArdle

8. Ted Dougherty and Lauren Jendrasiak attended the Boxholders Party

9. Wayne Grafton chatted with Gay Davidson and Buck Riley

10. Harriette Overend and Leslie Padilla enjoyed the party

11. Guests included Tina Aberant, Ginny Bullock and Trish Michele