Savage Sisters hold fundraiser at Willowbrook Farm

After recovering from substance use disorder, Sarah Laurel sought to offer resources to women like herself. Sarah is the recipient of several awards, including a Congressional Medal of Honor. She was featured on two Emmy award-winning episodes of Vice News and CBS News with Jessica Kartalija. She created the first Xylazine training, delivering it both locally and nationally. Her advocacy for people who use substances, harm reduction, public health, and social justice has been consistent and groundbreaking.

Savage Sisters president Kim Covello chatted with Jessica Kartalija of Channel 3

Johnny Robertson brought his band “Jontourage” to entertain the crowd!

Life’s Patina at Willowbrook Farm aims to celebrate the beauty of life both past and present with its Barn Sales, Mercantile & Cafe, and Historic Farm Venue. Life’s Patina’s Meg Veno and her team paused for a photo at the Savage Sisters fundraiser

Annie Lee chatted with Alana Tosti of Philadelphia Style Magazine and Kate Bilo, Channel 3’s Meteorologist

Meredith Taylor chatted with Alex and Amanda Golkow during the event