‘Fashion Meets Philanthropy’ was the theme for the Fourth Annual Sneaker Ball
Change Our Future founders Rodney and Erika McLeod hosted The Sneaker Ball’s, Fashion Meets Philanthropy, at Vie at CESCAPHE in Philadelphia on Thursday, June 20, 2024. The Sneaker Ball is Change Our Future’s biggest fundraising event of the year. Guests arrived in their best suit or dress and sneakers for an exciting evening of fun, friends, and fundraising to support Change Our Future’s programs and initiative.
The gala was an upscale, black-tie event laced with the vibes of the sneaker culture, mixed with the vibrancy and heart of the Metro Philadelphia community with live entertainment, a live and silent auction, gourmet hors d’oeuvres, celebratory cocktails, interactive activations and luxury sneaker vendors.
”Thanks to last year’s successful School Supply and Sneaker Drive, Change Our Future was able to provide school supplies to over 400 students and over 100 sneakers to support Blues Babe Foundation’s – Camp Jill Scott and the Barber’s Who Care – Community Fair.
This year they plan to provide 500 students with the tools they need to succeed this upcoming school year.
The following is a snapshot of the event:
This group graced the red carpet wearing their most fashionable gowns and best sneakers!

2. Change our Future co-founder Rodney McLeod paused for a photo on the red carpet

3. Jan and Jan Foster arrived at the event
4. Rodney Glasgow (center) accompanied this group to the Sneaker Ball

5 Style Expert Alisa Frederico chatted with Modern Luxury Publisher John Colabelli before walking the Red Carpet!

6.Chris Gilberts and April Neeld wore their best sneakers to the event!

7. These fashionable ladies chatted with Rodney McLeod on their way to the reception in the main ballroom

8. Dr. Tony B. Watlington Sr., superintendent of the School District of Philadelphia, shared a moment with Change our Future co-founder Rodney McLeod at the event
9.Fashion Meets Philanthropy was the theme!

10. Mother and daughter duo pictured with their best friend (center) wore matching gowns with their fashionable sneakers!

11. Football players, sponsors and guests, chatted with Brandon Graham (center) during the fundraiser!

12. Former Philadelphia City Representative Sheila Hess paused for a photo with Rodney McLeod and Mitch Stoller, Chief Philanthropic Officer and VP of Development at American Association for Cancer Research

13. AACR’S Mitch Stoller and family members gathered for a photo with Rodney Mcleod

14. Don Bell (right), Sports Anchor at CBS Philadelphia said hello to Chris Woods and NazAarah Sabree