Suzy Pratowski hosts last 2024 networking luncheon
On Tuesday, November 12, 2024, Suzy Pratowski, President at PI Insurance, LLC, hosted a networking luncheon at Bridget’s Steak House in Ambler. The more than 70 attendees arrived early, signed in and begin the line of introductions that precede every luncheon. It’s a great way for the ladies to meet one another, learn about other businesses and share their news and is always approached with humor and laughter! This popular lunch was the last one of 2024!

Shannon Bruner, Jill Barbera, Heather Himes, Kirstie Holmes, Peggy Lynn Walk and Anne LaPlaca were pictured with Suzy (center)

2. Rose Hoffman chatted with Peggy Lynn Walk, Lauren Le-Neou and Jude Martin-Cianfano during the reception

3. Heather Himes, Anne LaPlaca, Fran Rodrigues and Kirstie Holmes are fans of Suzy’s networking luncheons!

4. Amy Achey and Dayna Leib arrived for the luncheon

5. Karen Peazzoni and Krista DiJoseph paused for a photo

6. Coleen Trifun and Fran Rodrigues chatted with Suzy before the intros began!

7. Marilee Wolf, Pam Hezner, Maryanne Brenner, Sharon Laudenbach and Melissa Aidukas

8. Missy Dannehower, Meg Strunk, Kelly Lyons and Diane Cardano-Casacio attended the luncheon

9. Lauren Yellin Weinberg, Michele Vervlied, Lisa Hasson. Elisa Heisman and Karin Cannon

10. Suzy (third right) shared a moment with Bridget’s Steak House staff before luncheon was served!

10. Channa Cohen, Melissa Aidulas, Danielle Hershman and Heather Kay

11. Ann King Lagos chatted with Melissa Galm and Dana Friedman