ULRE March 2025 luncheon features Women in Real Estate

1. Michael Cooley, Kelley Clasby, Joe Botta, Megan Dugan, Joy Caldwell and Jeff Brydzinski
On Wednesday, March 5, 2025, the Union League Real Estate Club held a speaker luncheon featuring ”Women in Real Estate, and its speakers were Wendy Castro, Clara Weinberg and Marla Sourbeer. The luncheon was moderated by Annemarie Caruso and welcomed CREW of Greater Philadelphia. There were 318 attendees, the largest in ULRE history! A Q&A Session followed with questions posed by Liquori Academy. The Union League Real Estate Club (ULRE) is an affinity club of the Union League of thePhiladelphia. They provide opportunities for its members and guests to hear from the community’s leading Real Estate experts and other notables with speaker luncheons held at the Union League.

2. . Jane Bender, Kelley Clasby and Laura Black

3. Neetu Gupta, Robin Kemmerer, Missy Kitmiller and Helen Irvine.

4. Miley Cunningham, Kristie Bergey, Julia Brines, Suzy Pratowski and Missy Dannehower.
- 5. Karen Blanchard, Elizabeth Norton and Elizabeth De Marshall

6. Peter Markowitz, Alyssa DeStefano, Drew Whipple, Chris Preate,Madison Whipple, Deanna Butler and Megan Fara

7. Dana Duffield, Alyssa DiStefano and Aspen Thomas
- 8. Connell McDoneghey and Jay Mallon


9. Deanna DeGuiseppe, Josephine Rich and George Duffield

11. Marya Lieberzeit, Stacey Boston, Laura Shellenberger and Justine McGinley

12. Lily Gao and Janee Fenter-Moore

13. Mike Izzo, Craig Bryson, Kimberly Burket and Mark Celoni
- 14. Angela Fagnan and Andrea Polanski


16. Joseph Caltabaltiano, Laura Blsck and Pop Shenian

17. Momin Sheik, Dawn Tancredi and Peter Markowitz
18. Kevin Luchko, Jim and Terrence Fenningham and Joseph Caltabiano

17. Fran Rodriques, Danielle Fiorelli Akif, Deanna Butler, Maeve McCann, Kyleigh Kittredge, Joy Avila and Marina Ruiz

18. Director of Advancement Sammy DiGeorge (second right) brought students from Liguori Academy to the luncheon. They took part in the Q &aA session following the speakers

19. The moderator Annemaria Caruso and speakers Wendy Castro, Clara Weinberg and Marla Sourbeer. paused for a photo with the Union League president

20. Liguori Students gathered for a photo with Union League President

21. Moderator, Annemarie Caruso, Liguori Academy students, ULRE board members and board chair Stephanie Turzanski gathered for a photo at the end of the event.